Monday, October 20, 2014

Cloudy days and blue sky

Things have been cloudy at our house lately.......

My head has been cloudy.

My heart has been cloudy.

And sometimes I have felt really discouraged.

I had to go for a drive the other day to get a few things and I was by myself which is not the normal way I drive.

Everywhere I looked for as far as I could see there were clouds, thick clouds in every direction, no matter where I turned to look at the sky.

It made me think that this is how I feel right now, clouds everywhere.....

And then as I continued to drive, from out of nowhere (the sky was totally overcast) out in front of me was a beautiful blue color of sky.....the clouds had opened just a little and there it was.

I smiled so big because God showed that to me to tell me that there is always blue sky somewhere underneath all of those clouds, whether they are in our lives or in the sky.

We don't always see the blue but we must trust that it is there, it will come!

I went about the rest of my day singing to Him.......

 He doesn't have to show me any of those things, He just does it because He loves me.

Hope this encourages you if you are reading it!    xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo

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